We provide Film Production Insurance and Completion Guarantees in China. Welcome you and your filming project to China! Service Line: +86 021 6416 6661

Our Insurance Service

We provide all sorts of film production insurance in China. Particularly for overseas production shotting which locate in China.

Completion Guarantee

A performance guarantee issued to provide that a motion picture will be completed and delivered to the distributor within budget

Props,Set&Wardrobe Insurance

In the event that vital property is lost, damaged or destroyed

Cast Insurance

Covers extra costs incurred when a scheduled artist isunable to fulfill their contract due to death, injury or illness

Extra Expanse

Covers out-of-pocket costs when production is interrupted, postponed or cancelled due to damage to property or facilities

Third Party Property Damage Insurance

Covers damages arising from injury to or destruction of the property while in the insured’s care, custody or control

Miscellaneous Equipment Insurance

Covers the value of camera, sound and lighting equipment, mobile equipment or similar property if it is lost, damaged, or destroyed

Negative Film Insurance

Covers extra expenditure incurred to re-photograph, re-tape, recreate or reprogram as a result of loss of, damage to or destruction of videotape stock, raw film stock or blank media

Errors & Omissions (Producer's Liability) Insurance

Covers legal liability arising from allegations of unauthorized use of titles, format, ideas, characters or plots; plagiarism, unfair competition, libel, slander, defamation of character and/ or invasion of privacy

Public Liability Insurance

Protects the producer in claims of bodily injury and property damage from the third party during shooting period

Employer's Liability Insurance

Protects the producer in claims of work-related personal injury of employees

Personal & Group Accident Insurance

Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement: You will be covered for accidental death & permanent disablement which is caused by accident happens

Recent Films

Many film and television directors, producers and other investors are drawn to China for its rich heritage, alluring locations and exciting stories. However, investors must understand all the possible financial exposures that might occur before they dive into China’s entertainment industry. A comprehensive insurance and risk management program can protect your business from cost overruns due to cast injury/illness/death, to loss of negatives, equipment damage, producer’s liability, and small damage to props, sets, etc.

Recent Articles

The inclusion rider has become a hot topic of discussion in Hollywood after those two words were uttered by Frances McDormand at the Oscars. The goal is admirable – to have A-list talent use their leverage to put contractual teeth into the objective of creating a diverse workforce both on screen and off – but the details can be a bit tricky. 


California has just extended the film production tax credit from 2020 through 2025 and made the fund larger. California is attempting to play catch-up with other states that offer tax subsidies for local production, and while California’s provisions are not as generous as other state tax credits, the new legislation provides substantial benefits for film and television production in California. 

The Garden State Film and Digital Media Jobs Act would restore tax-credit incentives for New Jersey-based productions.

Gov. Phil Murphy signed a much-anticipated bill that would provide upward of $85 million in film tax credits a year, in an effort to bolster the state’s film industry.

Guillermo del Toro is taking a breath. It probably feels like his first in 12 months. It is a hot summer’s day on the Lido in Venice, and his latest film, The Shape of Water, is tonight’s film festival premiere. From the outside, this past year for the Mexican writer and director has looked pretty good. 

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